Como encontrar fabricantes de bolsas de cortiça para startups?

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back to all When you have discovered that there is a huge market potential for cork handbags and you already have amazing designs. Finding the right cork bag manufacturer becomes even more important as they can help you design your own line of quality materials while managing production in a way that best suits the […]

Como iniciar um negócio de sacos de cortiça: um guia passo a passo

cork bag business-4

back to all U.S. market research firm MillionInsights report shows that the global luxury handbag market size of $62.3 billion in 2020, by 2028, the global luxury handbag market size is expected to reach $94 billion.And as people become more environmentally conscious, sustainable fashion will see a wave of dividends, and cork is one of […]

As 9 principais marcas de cortiça em diferentes áreas

cork raw materials

back to all Cork is derived from the bark of the Portuguese cork oak tree, a renewable resource. In addition to its natural properties, cork has excellent elasticity, sealing, thermal insulation, sound insulation, electrical insulation and friction resistance, and therefore has great potential for development. Let’s take a look at the top 10 brands that […]

Como Ganhar Clientes e Influenciar Mercados com CORK

Sustainable Business

back to all Cork is considered the world’s leading sustainable raw material and is a top choice for manufacturers and designers to explore further. For those unfamiliar with the term, wine stoppers may give you a clear idea of what traditional cork can be used for. Because cork is naturally sustainable and has many excellent […]

Couro de cortiça ou couro, qual a diferença?

cork or leather

back to all Leather has a long history of use, it is widely used in the fashion world for all types of clothing and accessories and is also widely praised for the longevity and durability of its material. However, although leather is still seen as a luxurious, chic product, it is not without its drawbacks. […]

cork leather-colored


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cork leather fabric